Looking Thru the Bsides
"Looking Thru The B-Sides" follows the adventures of a skater named "ollie" as he is off on a quest to find his lost skateboard. What starts off as a casual trip to the skatepark, turns into a wild trip down the rabit hole and ends up in a way that Alice In Wonderland could never imagine.


Client: FUEL Network
Produced & Directed by Golden Lucky

Mark Groeschner
Josh Libitsky
Jennifer Brogle-Jones

Lead Animation (Stop Motion)
Chad Colby
James Dunlap

Animation (2D)
Joe Vaccarino
Chad Colby
Sean Dougherty
Saiman Chow

Joe Vaccarino
Chad Colby
Ken Edge

Cell Animation
Jonathan Trueblood
Albert Chow
Saiman Chow

Production Assistants
Alexandra Elmquist
Dylan Thuras
James Bollenbaugh

Set/Prop Production
Albert Chow
Peter Schmitt
James Dunlap
Dan Waller
Saiman Chow
Sean Dougherty
Chad Colby
James Bolenbaugh
Patricia Burges
Evelyn Lee

Puppet Wardrobes
Julie Ho
Nick Anderson

Puppet Fabrication
Peter Erickson
James Dunlap

Suzanne Couture

Eli Mavros

Storyboard Artist
Wes Simpkins

Jennifer Brogle-Jones
Jason Jones

Alexandra Elmquist

Special thanks to:
Kevin Robinson, Dennis Go, Josh Libitsky

CJ Olivares: SVP & Asst GM
Jake Munsey: VP Marketing & Promotion
Todd Dever: Creative Director

Special Thanks to
Andrew Hale
Joyce Lee
Mary Traina
Li Han Lin
Dennis Go
William Ismael

Music by
Freefarm (Simon Pyke)
& (final scene) by xmassound (Christmas Jang)


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